My weight shoots high up to extra 4 kgs more during PMS and really got terrified.
I totally have no idea how the 4 kgs come along since I have been working out as usual and I totally have no idea that it’s time for my ‘Aunty visit’.
Googled up ‘Water Rentention’ or everything I can find and tried to convince myself that it was nothing to worry about and it was pretty normal to have weight gain for PMS.
And then I was like ‘Hey, perhaps I really hit my plateau stage and why not try switching my workout plan?’ Oh yea, and so I did change:
Workout Plan:
25mins of moderate jogging with 7.2km/hr--> 20mins of moderate jogging with 8.5km/hr, rest for 3mins, 2mins of sprint with 9.0km/hr, rest for 3mins, 2mins of sprint with 10.0km/hr, rest for 3mins, 2mins of sprint with 11.0km/hr, rest for 3mins, 1.5mins of sprint with 12.0km/hr, walk for 0.5km.
10 sit-ups with 5 mins interval, 3 reps --> maintain
10 push-ups with 5 mins interval, 3 reps --> maintain
10 bench dips with 5 mins interval, 3 reps --> maintain
Add-on --> Walk 10mins for 15 % inclines on treadmill for 4.0km/hr
And I too change my eating plan by eating more and consume more water. I guess the reason why I hit this plateau stage is most probably because I eat too little and I work out too much, causing my body to have nothing to burn. By eating more, I mean more variety of fruits and cereals. Basically, I would like to cook myself and have my favorite dish – broccoli. Wait till I order gas, and I will start my cooking process.
It’s really frustrating to walk pass the food street while going back home and see that all the food are not healthy enough for me to eat. I don’t understand why people want to consume food like ‘Pisang Goreng’ , ‘Ayam Goreng ( I mean you can really see the oil on top of the skin)’, nasi lemak with ayam goring, fried rice etc. Why on earth everything in Malaysia has to be fried? Why can’t they just cook dishes that are steamed or boiled? Fried food has too much unhealthy oil in it and our body just can’t take it.
Anyway, so let’s go back to plateau. And so I changed my workout plan and food plan. A few days after that, Aunty really ‘visit’ me. After a couple of days, my weight drop back to usual. I was so relieved! But still I have not got out from my plateau stage. I was just the same weight as before, before my aunty visit me. I believe the key to break through plateau is by changing workout plan, food plan and never give up. I know it is hard and very disappointed especially when you done all you can, but the figure in the scale just won’t get down. It is then depend on determination, just workout harder and pray someday you will break through it. *finger crossed* Anyway, just don’t give up.
Now, I finally get out my plateau stage after staying inside this stage for 3 or 4 weeks. So glad and feel so proud of myself for doing such a great job. Feel like giving myself a reward in food, but WAIT, I haven’t hit my target yet. Maybe just treat myself a better subway burger and a great Starbucks Mocha Frappucinno with Soya Bean Milk? Awh, maybe just forget about the starbucks, it has too much calorie in it and I will have to spend god-know-how-much hours of gym just to kill them off.
So, last 4 stubborn kilos to get off and I’m in my desired weight.
Who knows I will reset my desired weight after when I reach this current desire weight?
Oh man, I’m so greedy but hey, which girl is not greedy when it come to having a great body?